Garry's Mod Wiki

Garry's Mod Wiki

  string string.rep( string str, number repetitions, string separator = "" )


Repeats a string by the provided number, with an optional separator.


1 string str
The string to convert.
2 number repetitions
Times to repeat, this value gets rounded internally.
3 string separator = ""
String that will separate the repeated piece. Notice that it doesn't add this string to the start or the end of the result, only between the repeated parts.


1 string
Repeated string.


Repeating "abc" 5 times.

print(string.rep("abc", 5))
Output: abcabcabcabcabc


Repeating "hello world" 3 times, with the separator " " (space).

print(string.rep("hello world", 3, " "))
Output: hello world hello world hello world

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