Garry's Mod Wiki
Sends command to Hammer, if Hammer is running with the current map loaded.
1 string cmd
Command to send including arguments
All commands are in the format "command var1 var2 etc"
All commands that pick an entity with x y z , must use the exact position including decimals. i.e. -354.4523 123.4
List of commands
Command | Description |
"session_begin mapName mapVersion" | Starts a hammer edit, locking the editor. mapName is the current map without path or suffix, mapVersion is the current version in the .vmf file |
"session_end" | Ends a hammer edit, unlocking the editor. |
"map_check_version mapName mapVersion" | This only works after session_begin, so you'd know the right version already and this only returns ok, this function is apparently useless. |
"entity_create entityClass x y z" | Creates an entity of entityClass at position x y z |
"entity_delete entityClass x y z" | Deletes an entity of entityClass at position x y z |
"entity_set_keyvalue entityClass x y z "key" "value"" | Set's the KeyValue pair of an entity of entityClass at x y z. The Key name and Value String must be in quotes. |
"entity_rotate_incremental entityClass x y z incX incY incZ" | Rotates an entity of entityClass at x y z by incX incY incZ |
"node_create nodeClass nodeID x y z" | Creates an AI node of nodeClass with nodeID at x y z you should keep nodeID unique or you will have issues |
"node_delete nodeID" | Deletes node(s) with nodeID, this will delete multiple nodes if they have the same nodeID |
"nodelink_create startNodeID endNodeID" | Creates a link between AI nodes startNodeID and endNodeID |
"nodelink_delete startNodeID endNodeID" | Removes a link between AI nodes startNodeID and endNodeID |
1 string
Returns "ok" if command succeeded otherwise returns "badcommand"
All changes only happen in hammer, there is NO in game representation/feedback
A hammer function library I wrote while testing all these functions.
Please feel free to use this library as-is or with modification.
This site is a community mirror of the official Garry's Mod wiki.. This site is not maintained by Facepunch Studios.
Page content is automatically updated four times a day. Edits and history are not available.
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