Garry's Mod Wiki

Garry's Mod Wiki


Called when the player takes damage.

This is called after GM:EntityTakeDamage so you could just use that hook serverside.


number health
The new health after being damaged.
number priority
Event priority number used by HLTV.
number userid
The UserID of the victim.
number attacker
The UserID of the attacker.



This is a basic template with the purpose of including all arguments / table variables to make it easily known which values can be accessed.

gameevent.Listen( "player_hurt" ) hook.Add( "player_hurt", "player_hurt_example", function( data ) local health = // Remaining health after injury local priority = data.priority or 0 // Priority local id = data.userid // Same as Player:UserID() local attackerid = data.attacker // Same as Player:UserID() but it's the attacker id. // Called when the player is injured or dies. end )

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