Garry's Mod Wiki
The list of hooks for nextbot NPCs.
Inherits methods from NextBot.
Called to initialize the behaviour.
This is called automatically when the NextBot is created, you should not call it manually.
You shouldn't override this unless you know what you are doing - it's used to kick off the coroutine that runs the bot's behaviour. See NEXTBOT:RunBehaviour instead.
NEXTBOT:BehaveUpdate( number interval )
Called to update the bot's behaviour.
Called to update the bot's animation.
NEXTBOT:OnEntitySight( Entity ent )
Called when the nextbot NPC sees another Nextbot NPC or a Player.
This hook will only run after NextBot:SetFOV or other vision related function is called on the nextbot. See NextBot:IsAbleToSee for more details.
NEXTBOT:OnEntitySightLost( Entity ent )
Called when the nextbot NPC loses sight of another Nextbot NPC or a Player.
This hook will only run after NextBot:SetFOV or other vision related function is called on the nextbot. See NextBot:IsAbleToSee for more details.
Called when the bot is ignited.
NEXTBOT:OnInjured( CTakeDamageInfo info )
Called when the bot gets hurt. This is a good place to play hurt sounds or voice lines.
NEXTBOT:OnKilled( CTakeDamageInfo info )
Called when the bot gets killed.
NEXTBOT:OnLandOnGround( Entity ent )
Called when the bot's feet return to the ground.
NEXTBOT:OnLeaveGround( Entity ent )
Called when the bot's feet leave the ground - for whatever reason.
Called when the nextbot enters a new navigation area.
Called when someone else or something else has been killed.
Called when the bot thinks it is stuck.
Called when a trace attack is done against the nextbot, allowing override of the damage being dealt by altering the CTakeDamageInfo.
This is called before NEXTBOT:OnInjured.
Called when the bot thinks it is un-stuck.
A hook called to process nextbot logic.
This hook runs in a coroutine by default. It will only be called if NEXTBOT:BehaveStart is not overriden.
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