Garry's Mod Wiki

Garry's Mod Wiki

  vararg include( string fileName )


Executes a Lua script.

This function will try to load local client file if sv_allowcslua is 1.

The file you are attempting to include MUST NOT be empty or the include will fail. Files over a certain size (64KB compressed) may fail clientside as well.

If the file you are including is clientside or shared, it must be AddCSLuaFile'd or this function will error saying the file doesn't exist.


1 string fileName
The name of the script to be executed. The path must be either relative to the current file, or be an absolute path (relative to and excluding the lua/ folder).

Addon files (.gma files) and dedicated servers clientside do not support relative parent folders (.. notation).

Absolute paths for gamemode files must include <gamemode_folder_name>/gamemode/.

Please make sure your file names are unique, the filesystem is shared across all addons, so a file named lua/config.lua in your addon may be overwritten by the same file in another addon.


1 vararg
Anything that the executed Lua script returns.


Demonstrates correct and incorrect usage.

-- Correct usage: -- Will look for "lua/myLuaFolder/myLuaFile.lua" in all addons and then the base game **lua/** folder. include( "myLuaFolder/myLuaFile.lua" ) -- This is incorrect, and will NOT work. include( "lua/myLuaFolder/myLuaFile.lua" ) include( "addons/lua/myLuaFolder/myLuaFile.lua" ) include( "addons/MyAddon/lua/myLuaFolder/myLuaFile.lua" ) include( "MyAddon/lua/myLuaFolder/myLuaFile.lua" )


Specify a base folder and recursively include client, shared and server files without having to specify them.

local rootDirectory = "you_directory" local function AddFile( File, directory ) local prefix = string.lower( string.Left( File, 3 ) ) if SERVER and prefix == "sv_" then include( directory .. File ) print( "[AUTOLOAD] SERVER INCLUDE: " .. File ) elseif prefix == "sh_" then if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile( directory .. File ) print( "[AUTOLOAD] SHARED ADDCS: " .. File ) end include( directory .. File ) print( "[AUTOLOAD] SHARED INCLUDE: " .. File ) elseif prefix == "cl_" then if SERVER then AddCSLuaFile( directory .. File ) print( "[AUTOLOAD] CLIENT ADDCS: " .. File ) elseif CLIENT then include( directory .. File ) print( "[AUTOLOAD] CLIENT INCLUDE: " .. File ) end end end local function IncludeDir( directory ) directory = directory .. "/" local files, directories = file.Find( directory .. "*", "LUA" ) for _, v in ipairs( files ) do if string.EndsWith( v, ".lua" ) then AddFile( v, directory ) end end for _, v in ipairs( directories ) do print( "[AUTOLOAD] Directory: " .. v ) IncludeDir( directory .. v ) end end IncludeDir( rootDirectory )

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