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  number Lerp( number t, number from, number to )


Performs a linear interpolation from the start number to the end number.

This function provides a very efficient and easy way to smooth out movements.

See also math.ease for functions that allow to have non linear animations using linear interpolation.

This function is not meant to be used with constant value in the first argument if you're dealing with animation! Use a value that changes over time. See example for proper usage of Lerp for animations.


1 number t
The fraction for finding the result. This number is clamped between 0 and 1. Shouldn't be a constant.
2 number from
The starting number. The result will be equal to this if delta is 0.
3 number to
The ending number. The result will be equal to this if delta is 1.


1 number
The result of the linear interpolation, from + (to - from) * t.


Example of simple Lerp usage for animations.

-- A variable to store the animation's start time is needed if you -- want to use the "Lerp" function to make timed animations. local animation_start, animation_duration = CurTime(), 2 hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "LerpAnimation", function() local animation_progress = ( CurTime() - animation_start ) / animation_duration -- The "Lerp" function is then called using the fraction as the first argument with -- the second being the value you want to start at ("from") when the fraction is "0" and -- the third being the final value ("to") when the fraction is "1". -- If the "from" value is going to be "0" consider using the formula "to * animation_progress". -- If the "to" value is "0" you could use the formula "from * ( 1 - animation_progress )". -- These methods are slightly faster and will achieve the same result as if you were to use "Lerp". -- For example a different way of writing this line would be: -- "local animated_value = 255 * ( 1 - animated_progress )" -- If you wanted to reverse the animation the line could be: -- "local animated_value = Lerp( animation_progress, 0, 255 )" -- or -- "local animated_value = 255 * animation_progress" local animated_value = Lerp( animation_progress, 255, 0 ) -- In this case the "Lerp" function is being used to make a rect fade out. surface.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, animated_value ) surface.DrawRect( 50, 50, 300, 300 ) -- If you add the start time and duration together you'll have the total -- animation time, and if you compare it to the current time you can check -- if the animation has completed. -- A slightly more accurate and optimised way of checking if the animation has completed is by -- checking if the "animation_progress" is equal to "1" or if "animated_value" is equal to the -- third argument used when "Lerp" was called. if ( animation_start + animation_duration <= CurTime() ) then -- In this example we're just resetting the start time when the animation completes. animation_start = CurTime() end end )


Advanced example of Lerp animation: A health bar that will smooth the health change over 0.5 seconds to reach new health value from the previous value.

local start, oldhp, newhp = 0, -1, -1 local barW = 200 local animationTime = 0.5 -- seconds hook.Add( "HUDPaint", "LerpAnimation", function() -- Local player still loading, do nothing if ( !IsValid( LocalPlayer() ) ) then return end local hp = LocalPlayer():Health() local maxhp = LocalPlayer():GetMaxHealth() -- The values are not initialized yet, do so right now if ( oldhp == -1 and newhp == -1 ) then oldhp = hp newhp = hp end -- You can use a different smoothing function here local smoothHP = Lerp( ( SysTime() - start ) / animationTime, oldhp, newhp ) -- Health was changed, initialize the animation if newhp ~= hp then -- Old animation is still in progress, adjust if ( smoothHP ~= hp ) then -- Pretend our current "smooth" position was the target so the animation will -- not jump to the old target and start to the new target from there newhp = smoothHP end oldhp = newhp start = SysTime() newhp = hp end draw.RoundedBox( 4, 100, 200, barW, 100, color_black ) draw.RoundedBox( 4, 100, 200, math.max( 0, smoothHP ) / maxhp * barW, 100, color_white ) end )

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