Garry's Mod Wiki

Garry's Mod Wiki

  GM:PlayerAuthed( Player ply, string steamid, string uniqueid )


Called after the player gets their Player:UniqueID set for the first time. This hook will also be called in singleplayer.

See GM:NetworkIDValidated for a hook that is called with the player's SteamID is validated by Steam.


1 Player ply
The player
2 string steamid
The player's SteamID.
This will always be an empty string "" in singleplayer.
3 string uniqueid
The player's UniqueID.
This will always be "1" in singleplayer.


hook.Add( "PlayerAuthed", "JoinNotification", function( ply, steamid, uniqueid ) print( ply:Name() .. " has been authenticated as " .. steamid .. "." ) end )
Player1 has been authenticated as STEAM_0:1:12345678.

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