Garry's Mod Wiki
Surface flags, used by the TraceResult structure.
SURF_LIGHT | 1 | Value will hold the light strength |
SURF_SKY2D | 2 | The surface is a 2D skybox |
SURF_SKY | 4 | This surface is a skybox, equivalent to HitSky in TraceResult structure |
SURF_WARP | 8 | This surface is animated water |
SURF_TRANS | 16 | This surface is translucent |
SURF_NOPORTAL | 32 | This surface cannot have portals placed on, used by Portal's gun |
SURF_TRIGGER | 64 | This surface is a trigger |
SURF_NODRAW | 128 | This surface is an invisible entity, equivalent to HitNoDraw in TraceResult structure |
SURF_HINT | 256 | Make a primary bsp splitter |
SURF_SKIP | 512 | This surface can be ignored by impact effects |
SURF_NOLIGHT | 1024 | This surface has no lights calculated |
SURF_BUMPLIGHT | 2048 | Calculate three lightmaps for the surface for bumpmapping |
SURF_NOSHADOWS | 4096 | No shadows are cast on this surface |
SURF_NODECALS | 8192 | No decals are applied to this surface |
SURF_NOCHOP | 16384 | Don't subdivide patches on this surface |
SURF_HITBOX | 32768 | This surface is part of an entity's hitbox |
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