Garry's Mod Wiki
Enumerations used in TraceResult structure and by Entity:GetMaterialType.
MAT_ANTLION | 65 | Antlions |
MAT_BLOODYFLESH | 66 | Similar to MAT_FLESH, only used by "bloodyflesh" surface property, has different impact sound |
MAT_CONCRETE | 67 | Concrete |
MAT_DIRT | 68 | Dirt |
MAT_EGGSHELL | 69 | The egg sacs in the antlion tunnels in HL2: EP2 |
MAT_FLESH | 70 | Flesh |
MAT_GRATE | 71 | Grates, chainlink fences |
MAT_ALIENFLESH | 72 | Alien flesh - headcrabs and vortigaunts |
MAT_CLIP | 73 | Unused |
MAT_SNOW | 74 | Snow |
MAT_PLASTIC | 76 | Plastic |
MAT_METAL | 77 | Metal |
MAT_SAND | 78 | Sand |
MAT_FOLIAGE | 79 | Plants, only used by the "foliage" surface property |
MAT_COMPUTER | 80 | Electronics, only used by "computer" surface property |
MAT_SLOSH | 83 | Water, slime |
MAT_TILE | 84 | Floor tiles |
MAT_GRASS | 85 | Grass |
MAT_VENT | 86 | Metallic vents |
MAT_WOOD | 87 | Wood |
MAT_DEFAULT | 88 | Skybox or nodraw texture |
MAT_GLASS | 89 | Glass |
MAT_WARPSHIELD | 90 | "wierd-looking jello effect for advisor shield." |
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