Garry's Mod Wiki
Returns the position and angle of the given attachment, relative to the world.
This function can return entity's local pos = ent:GetBonePosition(0)
if pos == ent:GetPos() then
pos = ent:GetBoneMatrix(0):GetTranslation()
instead if the entity doesn't have it's bone cache set up.
To ensure the bone position is correct use this:
This function returns the bone position from the last tick, so if your framerate is higher than the server's tickrate it may appear to lag behind if used on a fast moving entity. You can fix this by using the bone's matrix instead:
local matrix = entity:GetBoneMatrix(0)
local pos = matrix:GetTranslation()
local ang = matrix:GetAngles()
This can return garbage if a trace passed through the target bone during bone matrix access.
Issue Tracker: 3739
Issue Tracker: 3739
1 number boneIndex
The bone index of the bone to get the position of, starting at index 0. See Entity:LookupBone.
Prints positions of all bones on an entity
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