Garry's Mod Wiki

Garry's Mod Wiki


A grid for editing the properties of something using names and values. Properties can be categorized and strongly typed.

Associated controls

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Derives methods, etc not listed on this page from Panel.


Panel DProperties:CreateRow( string category, string name )
Creates a row in the properties panel.
Panel DProperties:GetCanvas()
Returns the DScrollPanel all the properties panels are attached to.
Panel DProperties:GetCategory( string name, boolean create = false )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Returns (or creates) a category of properties. See DProperties:CreateRow for adding actual properties.


Creates a DProperties control with a few properties set up

local f = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) f:SetSize( 500, 300 ) f:Center() f:MakePopup() local DProperties = vgui.Create( "DProperties", f ) DProperties:Dock( FILL ) local Row1 = DProperties:CreateRow( "Category1", "Vector Color" ) Row1:Setup( "VectorColor" ) Row1:SetValue( Vector( 1, 0, 0 ) ) Row1.DataChanged = function( _, val ) print( val ) end local Row2 = DProperties:CreateRow( "Category1", "Combo" ) Row2:Setup( "Combo", { text = "Select type..." } ) Row2:AddChoice( "Table", {} ) Row2:AddChoice( "String", "Hello world" ) Row2.DataChanged = function( self, data ) print( "You selected: ", data ) end local Row3 = DProperties:CreateRow( "Category1", "Boolean" ) Row3:Setup( "Boolean" ) Row3:SetValue( true ) local Row4 = DProperties:CreateRow( "Category2", "Float" ) Row4:Setup( "Float", { min = 0, max = 5 } ) Row4:SetValue( 2.5 ) local Row5 = DProperties:CreateRow( "Category2", "Integer" ) Row5:Setup( "Int", { min = 0, max = 5 } ) Row5:SetValue( 2.5 ) local Row6 = DProperties:CreateRow( "Category2", "Generic" ) Row6:Setup( "Generic" ) Row6:SetValue( "Hello World!" ) Row6.DataChanged = function( _, val ) print( val ) end
Output: When you change the "Hello World!" textbox, it will print its new contents to the console.

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