The DHTML control wraps the internal Awesomium framework, supports calling Javascript functions from Lua,
as well as running Lua from within the HTML. Running Lua code is disabled by default.
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Derives methods, etc not listed on this page from Awesomium.
Called when this panel begins loading a page.
Called by the engine when a callback function is called.
Called by HTML panels when the target URL of the frame has changed, this happens when you hover over a link.
Called by HTML panels when the title of the loaded page has been changed.
Called by HTML panels when the page attempts to open a new child view (such as a popup or new tab).
Called by HTML panels when the panel's DOM has been set up. You can run JavaScript in here.
Called when this panel successfully loads a page.
Defines a Javascript function that when called will call a Lua callback.
Must be called after the HTML document has fully loaded.
Runs/Executes a string as JavaScript code in a panel.
This function does NOT evaluate expression (i. e. allow you to pass variables from JavaScript (JS) to Lua context). Because a return value is nil/no value (a. k. a. void). If you wish to pass/return values from JS to Lua, you may want to use DHTML:AddFunction function to accomplish that job. This function is an alias of DHTML:QueueJavascript (source).
Called when the page inside the DHTML window runs the console. log javascript function. On the x86-64 beta, it's called for all built-in console. * javascript functions.
If DHTML:SetAllowLua is set to true and the message begins with RUNLUA:, the text following RUNLUA: will be executed as code within the Lua environment (this is how Lua is called from DHTML windows).
Returns if the loaded page can run Lua code, set by DHTML:SetAllowLua
We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update.
Broken. Use the CSS overflow rule instead.
Returns the value set by DHTML:SetScrollbars.
Runs/Executes a string as JavaScript code in a panel.
This function does NOT evaluate expression (i. e. allow you to pass variables from JavaScript (JS) to Lua context). Because a return value is nil/no value (a. k. a. void). If you wish to pass/return values from JS to Lua, you may want to use DHTML:AddFunction function to accomplish that job. If Panel:IsVisible is false, PANEL:Think will NOT run, meaning the Javascript Queue will not be processed. Consider overriding PANEL:Paint to stop the panel from drawing instead.
Determines whether the loaded page can run Lua code or not. See DHTML for how to run Lua from a DHTML window.
We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update.
Broken. Use the CSS overflow rule instead.
Sets if the loaded window should display scrollbars when the webpage is larger than the viewing window. This is similar to the CSS overflow rule.
Awesomium doesn’t work with most HTTPS websites because it only supports up to TLS 1.0.
This and other rendering issues can be rectified by using the x86-64 branch.
Using url/href/src
You might have noticed that Relative File Paths like <img src="/images/picture.jpg">
wont work. There are 3 solutions for that:
Instead of https://
we use asset://
which will point to our local files.
<img src="asset://garrysmod/materials/example_addon/example.png">
Please don't point towards your Addons folder. Use the File Location where Gmod has your addon files included.
Classic Absolute File Paths still work ... well unless you are offline
or the website is down
or the website uses HTTPS above TLS 1.0
<img src="">
Base64 encoding
This will encode your local File into a Base64 String. The String will start with the datatype like data:image/jpeg;base64,
followed by a long chain of characters being the Base64 data.
<img src="...<!-- base64 data -->">
url("...<!-- base64 data -->")
Websites like can encode the file for you.
Creates a DHTML and opens Google inside.