Clears the file tree and list, and resets all values.
An AccessorFunc that returns the root directory/folder of the file tree.
An AccessorFunc that returns the current directory/folder being displayed.
An AccessorFunc that returns the current file type filter on the file list.
Returns the DTree Node that the file tree stems from.
This is a child of the root node of the DTree.
An AccessorFunc that returns whether or not the model viewer mode is enabled. In this mode, files are displayed as SpawnIcons instead of a list.
An AccessorFunc that returns the name being used for the file tree.
An AccessorFunc that returns whether or not the file tree is open.
An AccessorFunc that returns the access path of the file tree. This is GAME unless changed with DFileBrowser:SetPath.
See file. Read for how paths work.
An AccessorFunc that returns the current search filter on the file tree.
An AccessorFunc that sets the root directory/folder of the file tree.
This needs to be set for the file tree to be displayed.
An AccessorFunc that sets the directory/folder from which to display the file list.
An AccessorFunc that sets the file type filter for the file list.
This accepts the same file extension wildcards as file. Find.
Enables or disables the model viewer mode. In this mode, files are displayed as SpawnIcons instead of a list.
This should only be used for . mdl files; the spawn icons will display error models for others. See DFileBrowser:SetFileTypes
An AccessorFunc that sets the name to use for the file tree.
An AccessorFunc that opens or closes the file tree.
An AccessorFunc that sets the access path for the file tree. This is set to GAME by default.
See file. Read for how paths work.
An AccessorFunc that sets the search filter for the file tree.
This accepts the same wildcards as file. Find.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Called to set up the DTree and file viewer when a base path has been set.
Calls DFileBrowser:SetupTree and DFileBrowser:SetupFiles.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Called to set up the DListView or DIconBrowser by DFileBrowser:Setup.
The icon browser is used when in models mode. See DFileBrowser:SetModels.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Called to set up the DTree by DFileBrowser:Setup.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Builds the file or icon list for the current directory.
You should use DFileBrowser:SetCurrentFolder to change the directory.
Sorts the file list.
This is only functional when not using the model viewer. See DFileBrowser:SetModels