Garry's Mod Wiki

Garry's Mod Wiki


A tree and list-based file browser.

It allows filtering by folder (directory) name and file extension, and can display models as SpawnIcons.

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Derives methods, etc not listed on this page from DPanel.


DFileBrowser:OnDoubleClick( Panel selectedPanel, string filePath )
Called when a file is double-clicked. Double-clicking a file or icon will trigger both this and DFileBrowser:OnSelect.
DFileBrowser:OnRightClick( string filePath, Panel selectedPanel )
Called when a file is right-clicked. When not in model viewer mode, DFileBrowser:OnSelect will also be called if the file is not already selected.
DFileBrowser:OnSelect( Panel selectedPanel, string filePath )
Called when a file is selected.


Clears the file tree and list, and resets all values.
string DFileBrowser:GetBaseFolder()
An AccessorFunc that returns the root directory/folder of the file tree.
string DFileBrowser:GetCurrentFolder()
An AccessorFunc that returns the current directory/folder being displayed.
string DFileBrowser:GetFileTypes()
An AccessorFunc that returns the current file type filter on the file list.
Panel DFileBrowser:GetFolderNode()
Returns the DTree Node that the file tree stems from. This is a child of the root node of the DTree.
boolean DFileBrowser:GetModels()
An AccessorFunc that returns whether or not the model viewer mode is enabled. In this mode, files are displayed as SpawnIcons instead of a list.
string DFileBrowser:GetName()
An AccessorFunc that returns the name being used for the file tree.
boolean DFileBrowser:GetOpen()
An AccessorFunc that returns whether or not the file tree is open.
string DFileBrowser:GetPath()
An AccessorFunc that returns the access path of the file tree. This is GAME unless changed with DFileBrowser:SetPath. See file. Read for how paths work.
string DFileBrowser:GetSearch()
An AccessorFunc that returns the current search filter on the file tree.
DFileBrowser:SetBaseFolder( string baseDir )
An AccessorFunc that sets the root directory/folder of the file tree. This needs to be set for the file tree to be displayed.
DFileBrowser:SetCurrentFolder( string currentDir )
An AccessorFunc that sets the directory/folder from which to display the file list.
DFileBrowser:SetFileTypes( string fileTypes = "." )
An AccessorFunc that sets the file type filter for the file list. This accepts the same file extension wildcards as file. Find.
DFileBrowser:SetModels( boolean showModels = false )
Enables or disables the model viewer mode. In this mode, files are displayed as SpawnIcons instead of a list. This should only be used for . mdl files; the spawn icons will display error models for others. See DFileBrowser:SetFileTypes
DFileBrowser:SetName( string treeName = "baseFolder" )
An AccessorFunc that sets the name to use for the file tree.
DFileBrowser:SetOpen( boolean open = false, boolean useAnim = false )
An AccessorFunc that opens or closes the file tree.
DFileBrowser:SetPath( string path )
An AccessorFunc that sets the access path for the file tree. This is set to GAME by default. See file. Read for how paths work.
DFileBrowser:SetSearch( string filter = "*" )
An AccessorFunc that sets the search filter for the file tree. This accepts the same wildcards as file. Find.
boolean DFileBrowser:Setup()
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Called to set up the DTree and file viewer when a base path has been set. Calls DFileBrowser:SetupTree and DFileBrowser:SetupFiles.
boolean DFileBrowser:SetupFiles()
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Called to set up the DListView or DIconBrowser by DFileBrowser:Setup. The icon browser is used when in models mode. See DFileBrowser:SetModels.
boolean DFileBrowser:SetupTree()
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Called to set up the DTree by DFileBrowser:Setup.
DFileBrowser:ShowFolder( string currentDir )
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't. Builds the file or icon list for the current directory. You should use DFileBrowser:SetCurrentFolder to change the directory.
DFileBrowser:SortFiles( boolean descending = false )
Sorts the file list. This is only functional when not using the model viewer. See DFileBrowser:SetModels


Creates a DFileBrowser and displays the data/persist folder. Any file clicked is printed to the console.

local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) frame:SetSize( 500, 250 ) frame:SetSizable( true ) frame:Center() frame:MakePopup() frame:SetTitle( "DFileBrowser Example" ) local browser = vgui.Create( "DFileBrowser", frame ) browser:Dock( FILL ) browser:SetPath( "GAME" ) -- The access path i.e. GAME, LUA, DATA etc. browser:SetBaseFolder( "data" ) -- The root folder browser:SetOpen( true ) -- Open the tree to show sub-folders browser:SetCurrentFolder( "persist" ) -- Show files from persist function browser:OnSelect( path, pnl ) -- Called when a file is clicked print( path ) end


Creates a DFileBrowser that can spawn models from props_ folders.

Uses the same DFrame as above
local frame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) frame:SetSize( 500, 250 ) frame:SetSizable( true ) frame:Center() frame:MakePopup() frame:SetTitle( "DFileBrowser Example" ) local browser = vgui.Create( "DFileBrowser", frame ) browser:Dock( FILL ) browser:SetPath( "GAME" ) -- The access path i.e. GAME, LUA, DATA etc. browser:SetBaseFolder( "models" ) -- The root folder browser:SetName( "Props_ Models" ) -- Name to display in tree browser:SetSearch( "props_" ) -- Search folders starting with "props_" browser:SetFileTypes( "*.mdl" ) -- File type filter browser:SetOpen( true ) -- Opens the tree (same as double clicking) browser:SetCurrentFolder( "props_badlands" ) -- Set the folder to use function browser:OnSelect( path, pnl ) -- Called when a file is clicked RunConsoleCommand( "gm_spawn", path ) -- Spawn the model we clicked frame:Close() end
Output: See Preview.


Same as above, but enables model viewing. The following line is added to the above code.

browser:SetModels( true ) -- Use SpawnIcons instead of a list


Same as above, but enables model viewing. The following line is added to the above code.

browser:SetModels( true ) -- Use SpawnIcons instead of a list


Creates a DFileBrowser for browsing and selecting sounds.

-- Create a new frame (window) local frame = vgui.Create("DFrame") frame:SetSize( 500, 250 ) -- Set the size of the frame frame:SetSizable( true ) -- Allow the frame to be resizable frame:Center() -- Center the frame on the screen frame:MakePopup() -- Make the frame appear in front of other windows and accept user input frame:SetTitle( "Select a sound:" ) -- Set the title of the frame -- Create a file browser inside the frame local browser = vgui.Create( "DFileBrowser", frame ) browser:Dock( FILL ) -- Make the browser fill the entire frame -- Set the path that the browser should start in. "GAME" is a special path that refers to the game's root directory. browser:SetPath("GAME") -- Set the base folder to start searching to 'sound' (contains every sound from every addon/game) browser:SetBaseFolder( "sound" ) browser:SetOpen( true ) -- Show the folder as already open when the browser is created browser:SetFileTypes(".wav .mp3 .ogg") -- Filter the file types that the browser should only display local s = nil -- Initialize a local var to hold the preview sound -- Define what should happen when a file is double-clicked in the browser browser.OnDoubleClick = function(panel, path) if(s ~= nil) then s:Stop() end -- If a sound is currently playing, stop it -- Select the sound and set it as the value of our ConVar, remove the "sound/" part from the path GetConVar("mysoundconvar"):SetString(string.Replace(path, "sound/","")) frame:Close() -- Close the frame end -- Define what should happen when a file is clicked in the browser browser.OnSelect = function(panel, path) if(s ~= nil) then s:Stop() end -- If a sound is currently playing, stop it s = CreateSound(LocalPlayer(), string.Replace(path, "sound/","")) -- Create and play a new sound from the selected file s:Play() end

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