We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update.
Basically the same functionality as DColorPalette:OnValueChanged, you should use that instead!
For Override
An AccessorFunc that returns the size of each palette button. Set by DColorPalette:SetButtonSize.
An AccessorFunc that returns the ConVar name for the alpha channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:GetConVarR - For the red channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarG - For the green channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarB - For the blue channel
An AccessorFunc that returns the ConVar name for the blue channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:GetConVarR - For the red channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarG - For the green channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarA - For the alpha channel
An AccessorFunc that returns the ConVar name for the green channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:GetConVarR - For the red channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarB - For the blue channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarA - For the alpha channel
An AccessorFunc that returns the ConVar name for the red channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:GetConVarG - For the green channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarB - For the blue channel
DColorPalette:GetConVarA - For the alpha channel
An AccessorFunc that returns the number of rows of the palette, provided 6 colors fill each row. This value is equal to the number of colors in the DColorPalette divided by 6.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Used internally to make sure changes on one palette affect other palettes with same name.
Called when a palette button has been pressed. For Override
Resets this entire color palette to a default preset one, without saving.
See DColorPalette:ResetSavedColors for version that also saves the changes.
Resets this entire color palette to a default preset one and saves the changes.
See DColorPalette:Reset for version that does not save the changes.
Saves the color of given button across sessions.
The color is saved as a panel cookie, see Panel:SetCookie and Panel:SetCookieName.
It is expected that the amount of colors per palette (Panel:SetCookieName) is the same every time.
Sets the size of each palette button.
This is best kept to such a number, where this equation would return a whole number:
WidthOfColorPalette / ButtonSize= WholeNumber
If not, there will be ugly whitespace on the right side of the panel.
We advise against using this. It may be changed or removed in a future update.
Currently does nothing. Intended to "select" the color.
Clears the palette and adds new buttons with given colors.
An AccessorFunc that sets the ConVar name for the alpha channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:SetConVarR - For the red channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarG - For the green channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarB - For the blue channel
An AccessorFunc that sets the ConVar name for the blue channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:SetConVarR - For the red channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarG - For the green channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarA - For the alpha channel
An AccessorFunc that sets the ConVar name for the green channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:SetConVarR - For the red channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarB - For the blue channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarA - For the alpha channel
An AccessorFunc that sets the ConVar name for the red channel of the color.
See also:
DColorPalette:SetConVarG - For the green channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarB - For the blue channel
DColorPalette:SetConVarA - For the alpha channel
Roughly sets the number of colors that can be picked by the user. If the DColorPalette is exactly 6 rows tall, this function will set the number of colors shown per row in the palette. This is an AccessorFunc
DColorPalette:Reset or DColorPalette:ResetSavedColors must be called after this function to apply changes.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Internal helper function for DColorPalette:UpdateConVars.
This is used internally - although you're able to use it you probably shouldn't.
Updates all the console variables set by DColorPalette:SetConVarR and so on with given color.
Called internally when a palette color is clicked.