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Garry's Mod Wiki

  table CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreasAtSide( number navDir )


Returns a table of all the CNavAreas that have a ( one and two way ) connection from this CNavArea in given direction.

If an area has a one-way incoming connection to this CNavArea, then it will not be returned from this function, use CNavArea:GetIncomingConnections to get all incoming connections.

See CNavArea:GetAdjacentAreas for a function that returns all areas from all sides/directions.


1 number navDir
The direction, in which to look for CNavAreas, see NavDir enum.


1 table
A table of all CNavArea that have a ( one and two way ) connection from this CNavArea in given direction.

Returns an empty table if this area has no outgoing connections to any other areas in given direction.

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